Topo Map of Summits in Swain County, North Carolina
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Summits in Swain County North Carolina
Place | USGS Topo Map |
Ammons Knob | Wesser |
Andrews Bald | Clingmans Dome |
Baines Mountain | Bryson City |
Barker Butt | Alarka |
Bearwallow Bald | Silers Bald |
Becks Bald | Smokemont |
Bee Knob | Noland Creek |
Big Butte | Tuskeegee |
Big Swag | Cades Cove |
Blackrock Knob | Alarka |
Blockhouse Mountain | Thunderhead Mountain |
Breedlove Mountain | Wesser |
Briertown Mountain | Hewitt |
Buckhorn Bald | Silers Bald |
Bunches Bald | Bunches Bald |
Buzzardroost Mountain | Bryson City |
Charlies Bunion | Mount Guyot |
Cherry Knob | Thunderhead Mountain |
Chiltoes Mountain | Bunches Bald |
Coburn Knob | Clingmans Dome |
Collins Mountain | Noland Creek |
Connelly Mountain | Whittier |
Cowstamp Mountain | Bryson City |
De Armond Bald | Thunderhead Mountain |
DeHart Bald | Wesser |
Devils Race Patch | Thunderhead Mountain |
Evans Knob | Noland Creek |
Fern Knob | Silers Bald |
Flat Creek Bald | Bunches Bald |
Fork Mountain | Alarka |
Fork Mountain | Wesser |
Fox Knob | Smokemont |
Fry Mountain | Bryson City |
Grassy Top | Hewitt |
Greer Knob | Cades Cove |
Gregorys Little Bald | Cades Cove |
Hawk Knob | Silers Bald |
Heintooga Bald | Bunches Bald |
Hemlock Knob | Silers Bald |
Hickorynut Knob | Bryson City |
High Rocks | Noland Creek |
Hurricane Mountain | Noland Creek |
Hyatt Bald | Luftee Knob |
Jackson Line Mountain | Noland Creek |
Jerry Bald | Clingmans Dome |
Kelly Bennett Peak | Bryson City |
Laurel Top | Mount Guyot |
Ledge Bald | Luftee Knob |
Little Bald | Cades Cove |
Little Bald | Hewitt |
Little Shuckstack | Fontana Dam |
Locust Knob | Bunches Bald |
Lowing Bald | Wesser |
Luftee Knob | Luftee Knob |
Marks Knob | Luftee Knob |
Masa Knob | Mount Le Conte |
Matt Mountain | Fontana Dam |
McHan Knob | Noland Creek |
Mica Knob | Alarka |
Mine Mountain | Bryson City |
Mount Ambler | Clingmans Dome |
Mount Clark | Smokemont |
Mount Collins | Clingmans Dome |
Mount Davis | Thunderhead Mountain |
Mount Glory | Silers Bald |
Mount Hardison | Luftee Knob |
Mount Kephart | Mount Le Conte |
Mount Love | Clingmans Dome |
Mount Noble | Smokemont |
Mount Sequoyah | Mount Guyot |
Mount Squires | Thunderhead Mountain |
Mount Stand Watie | Smokemont |
Mount Weaver | Clingmans Dome |
Mount Yonaguska | Luftee Knob |
Nettle Creek Bald | Clingmans Dome |
Newton Bald | Smokemont |
Ogle Knob | Bryson City |
Paint Mountain | Wesser |
Peaks Bald | Alarka |
Pecks Corner | Mount Guyot |
Phillip Knob | Alarka |
Pigpen Flats | Greens Creek |
Pilot Knob | Noland Creek |
Pond Knob | Cades Cove |
Potato Hill | Noland Creek |
Potato Hill Bald | Bunches Bald |
Rattlesnake Knob | Clingmans Dome |
Rattlesnake Knob | Bryson City |
Raven Den | Thunderhead Mountain |
Rich Mountain | Bryson City |
Richland Mountain | Smokemont |
Rocky Face Mountain | Bryson City |
Rocky Knob | Whittier |
Round Mountain Knob | Fontana Dam |
Round Top | Noland Creek |
Roundtop Knob | Clingmans Dome |
Sassafras Knob | Clingmans Dome |
Scott Knob | Alarka |
Sharp Top | Bryson City |
Shear Knob | Noland Creek |
Sheep Knob | Fontana Dam |
Sheep Wallow Knob | Tapoco |
Shepherd Bald | Alarka |
Shope Knob | Alarka |
Shuckstack | Fontana Dam |
Slipoff Knob | Greens Creek |
Soapstone Knob | Alarka |
Soco Bald | Bunches Bald |
Spence Field | Thunderhead Mountain |
Spruce Mountain | Bunches Bald |
Suli Knob | Silers Bald |
The Pinnacle | Tuskeegee |
Thermo Knob | Luftee Knob |
Turkey Flyup | Clingmans Dome |
Tyre Knob | Wesser |
Una Mountain | Greens Creek |
Welch Bald | Tuskeegee |
White Top | Wesser |
Will Knob | Bryson City |
Wolf Knob | Greens Creek |
Woodward Knob | Thunderhead Mountain |
Worley Knob | Bryson City |
This is a list of all the summits in Swain County, North Carolina. In some cases there are duplicate names so try to select the one you are looking for based on the USGS quad topo map name which is often a recognizable feature or town nearby.